It has been a while since I've posted to this blog. It is sometimes hard to come up with what words to say , especially when You don't know how to describe what You are going through.
I Love that pictures can say so much!
Teena I love that You've joined the blog. You are so talented and I Love the photos You take....they really do say "Beauty"!
This Photo is a comforting one to me at this time were I need reminding of Gods Promises!
There is an Awe I feel when seeing rainbows! It brings me back to were I need to focus. It helps me lay down heavy burdens and pick up the Hope of the bright future. The future God Has in store for those he Loves!
I remember back in England when Jon was preaching one night. There was something that he quoted that has stuck with me. It went something like; "To Look within is to be depressed, to look around is to be distressed, But to look up (to God ) is to be Blessed!"
It has been a reminder to me to shift my focus when I am feeling down. There truely is a battle field that goes on in the mind!....But Praise God for He has made a way for us to walk into Freedom and Joy!
This Scripture encouraged me today:
Isaiah 43: 18,19 "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not percieve it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."
The fact is I have allowed myself to focus on the wrong things and therefore do not "percieve" the new things God wants to do. I am asking for Gods New Revalation of His Promises for today and the future....Now I feel Hope rising up!!!!
This Picture is a reminder of Renewed Hope in Gods Promises! Anyone recognise its location?